Saturday, March 20, 2010


In regards to grid printing issue, I tested and tested and tested and tested and determined it to be a problem with the style sheet we applied to it. Since we were grabbing this control from another page, all the style attributes were comming with it. In order to change this, I had to move the current style to the parent page of the original control. This gave me the control I wanted without any style, so I then went and rewrote the style sheet to something that was printable and waa-laa, all fixed.

I of course also dabbled my feet in DNN, a little as always. I havent been able to display a demonstration flash video I created from a power point for awhile not. I thought it was an issue with IIS and allowing it to display the correct MIME type on the server, but when I added .swf and .flv files to it, it still would not display my file correctly. I ended up finding a free flash module and added it to the page and it worked without a problem. I havent been able to pass it all the parameters I would like too though. I wish the first_screen parameter would work just because it looks nicer, but it's really not that big of a deal and the video displays fine now which is good.

I have been putting a ton of time into developing our first phone application for the android platform. Getting that going was alot of work but I'm really enjoying learning it. For now, I just want a simple RSS feed reader, I think this would be good for customers to get their updates from. I eventually want to make a widget from it so they can put it on their home screens but that wont be til later. Other ideas I have are contact import/export and calendar sync. The Google documentation is terrific also, A huge help. I wish I had something so robust for our component art control but I guess not every company can be as kick-ass as google.

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