Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Back Into the app...

Since I last wrote I have gotten back into the application(finally). But of course, Im always dabbling my feet in DNN a couple times a week. The next problem I am facing with DNN is implementing a instructional video after a user completes a form. The easiest way to do is using the forms module, we use for basically all the forms on our site. After the user completes filling out the recquired fields, the page posts to the server and returns a dynamic page. With the forms module I am able to manipulate what will be displayed to the user when the page is returned. So my plan is to return a link that will open up a javascript "lightbox" type of control giving the user a one-time access to the video. Not that its that big of a security issue, but this should keep out people from accessing the video without filling out the recquired fields on the form first.
I gave a quick go at this with my spare time the other day and the lightbox control isnt displaying correctly. I have a hunch that DNN and the script I am using wont play well together. Since DNN doesnt play well with anything really.
Besides that, we deployed our newest application update to our staging server the other day. I of course tested crap out of it...I am very successful at breaking it in ways no one would have thought of. The more I find though, the better our app becomes and the less chance we have to deal with an angry customer wondering why his product isnt working. Its also good because I make notes of things I would like to do when we get spare time and me and my partner can sort through them later and give them priorities. All in all I think we had a really good release with no really devastating bugs to deal with.

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