Monday, August 17, 2009

post back and AJAX

I have been working on a live help button for our app. It will be used in almost every page on the app. Basically what it is, is a live help button. If so needed, the customer can click this button and a popup will appear with their information in it. They can then send the help request to us for processing. Since we are going to be using this on virtually every page, we need it to be asynchronis. We do need the button to post back, but we dont need to refresh the page when it's done. How this was able to be done was with an AJAX control and asp's script manager. So only the part we need to postback will, without doing the page refresh. I can see why virutally all web apps use AJAX.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Styling and search....

I think my favorite thing to do with our app is style it. We had such an old boring looking app for so long, and now it seems I'm getting to be creative more than ever with it. I have been adding glossy headers throughout the app and its really starting to come together. My brain just keeps on ticking though and I keep coming up with better ideas constantly and wanting to implement them.

We have also been working on a really cool search. Sort of like google has where you can type a couple characters and a listbox pops up below the textbox with matches. This will definately help our customers search through their contacts faster and easier. Im starting to realize how useful AJAX .NET toolkit really is and I cant wait to get my hands in it.